The Land Enthusiast
Get all the inside knowledge and get up to date market data on land prices, the economy and builders, the do’s and don’ts of buying raw land, new legislature for special purpose districts in Texas, and MORE!
Member benefits
Monthly Newsletter
The monthly newsletter will be sent out on the 15th of each month via the email you sign up with. Be in the know of the latest market trends in the DFW area with land and builders. Get tips-n-tricks on buying and selling land in Texas and fun facts to keep you on your toes.
Quarterly Market Updates on region
The newsletter will include quarterly market updates, what is happening in the economy that is effecting the land prices in Texas. It will also include what builders are buying land in the area.
Fun Advice from the OG
Get a fun fact on land or a fun story from back in the day from the OG.
Tips of Buying and Selling Land
Each month there will be new insight on what is selling, where to buy, and tips and tricks on working with sellers and buyers on raw land.
New Legislature Updates on Special Purpose Districts
Get a few updates on what is happening in legislature that could effect your land and your buyers and sellers.
Member options
The results
Learn from the experts in the business and take away tips to help you grow your business.
Learn how to work with developers on land deals and get fun facts along the way.
“The land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it’s the only thing that last”…
-Gerald O’Hara, Gone With The Wind